Friday, August 16, 2013

Bella the Cat: a Demented Healer

Our cat Bella is a spirit-animal, a healer who gravitates to the person in the family most in need. Last night I dreamed that she climbed into a space between a ceiling and some acoustic tiles, and then fell through and hit the floor, injuring herself. Nancy and I watched impotently as she then dashed frantically about the room, desperately and unsuccessfully seeking relief.
I take this as a comment upon our son Jason’s having been recently diagnosed with MS. Whatever serenity we may have felt, whatever fragile sense of control we had been maintaining, has been shattered by the impact of this undeniable reality. Bella is the one with the habitual aura of dominance and control. She lords it over the other animals, and picks which humans she will grace with her favors. Now, in the dream, we behold her wounded, lost, and terrified, just like us.
In this respect Bella is like Christ, the one “in whom all things hold together,” as the Letter to the Colossians says, and “making peace by the blood of his cross.” But as yet there is no peace,  no reconciliation, no resurrection. There is only the impact, the harsh truth, the loss of equilibrium, and the fear.
It is as if we were with Christ at a time of confusion, agony, and self-doubt. We have no choice but to embrace the confusion, and the dread. We dash back and forth between the various emotions, and also the shocked numbness which is no-emotion, the forerunner of what could become a soul-killing depression, and despair.
It is that last condition from which this dream offers hope of healing. In the dream, Bella serves as prophet to “heed her warning, and forsake our sins.” For now, it is imperative that we, I in particular (because of my aptitude for detachment/intellectualization/spiritualization/etc.), feel the impact, express the emotions, live in the confusion, face the fear.
Whatever healing we are to know will proceed from there, as will whatever resurrection Christ has to share with us. And Bella, as usual, is napping on the cable-box.

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