Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Homework Summary Judges 19-21

Shocked/sickened/ creeped out-  17
Angry -6

2.     Evil “out there”- what actually happened?
Callous, cowardly indifference of the 2 men- 5
The rape itself- 5
Cut her into 12 pieces- 4
Slaughter in war- 4
Oppression of women- 3
“there was no king in Israel”/ failure of law- 3
“Chain Reaction” cycle of violence- no rational thought re consequences
Apparent indifference of God
3.     “Don’t get it”/ “Not seem real”/ No relation to present experience/ “old Bible story”/ Might not even have happened -8
Some people are evil or else crazy-2
Some people don’t believe in the Bible
Some people disapprove of concubines (she deserved it)
Desensitized by war, mutilation, and rape as depicted in the media?
Some people are confident that they would never act this way
4.     Too much evil- God is not present-3
God provides encouragement and eventual victory for Israel in the war of revenge (but takes his sweet time)  3

People believe in God- even the evil-doers, but “God is not there to stop evil from happening.” “God is present indirectly through the faith of the people.” 3

Regret and sadness for the destruction of the 12th tribe

“God allows evil to create balance- without evil, there would be no balance.”

God despises evil but allows it to occur “without interference from a higher power” so as to allow free will

Israelites “act in accordance with their own interests” and use God to ratify their actions

Israelites THINK they are sincere and correct, but we can see their blindness- i.e. “what were they thinking?”  WHAT BLINDNESS WILL PEOPLE IN THE FUTURE ATTRIBUTE TO US?

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