Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Pilgrimage Diverted

THE REASON FOR GOING ON PILGRIMAGE IS TO seek God, to place ourselves on a sacred trajectory and see what happens. Well, our pilgrimage to Holy Island and to other sacred sites in Britain has been diverted to a place much closer to home.
This morning Nancy’s doctor informed us that her gall bladder was inflamed and had to be surgically removed as soon as possible, and that it would be dangerous and irresponsible to make the trip we had planned at this time. The doctor knew how disappointing this information was to us, and this gave his professional opinion all the more weight in my eyes. There is no question in my mind that the pilgrimage had to be postponed. As my brother wrote to us, “having Nancy sick in the Outer Hebrides where emergency transport is a ride on a grumpy pony to the heliport doesn’t sound like a good bet."
 For my part, I cannot imagine God blessing my prayers as I hop from one sacred site to another while my dear wife is having surgery on another continent, or suffering in agony back in some English hotel room. That trajectory is not one that God has occupied in the past, nor would I trust any that did or had.
So our pilgrimage will be a home-bound one for now. Gall bladder surgery is considered routine, but no surgery is risk-free. It will be scheduled as soon as possible, and then we will proceed to reschedule our pilgrimage, most likely for next spring.
Your prayers are solicited, and much appreciated.

1 comment:

Eric Fris said...

What a disaster!!
God speakers to us in many ways, and sometimes it is hard to understand. Sometimes it is an open challenge to our faith. You will pass this one with flying colors!!!