Monday, November 19, 2012

Quotes from Wendell Berry, Poet Laureate of Kentucky

“…most people are living on the far side of a broken connection, and…this is potentially catastrophic…most people are now fed, clothed, and sheltered from sources toward which they feel no gratitude and exercise no responsibility…what can turn us from this deserted future, back into the sphere of our being, the great dance that joins us to our home, to each other and to other creatures, to the dead and the unborn? I think it is love…”

." Is it realistic to assume that the present economy would be just fine if only it would stop poisoning the air and water, or if only it would stop soil erosion, or if only it would stop degrading watersheds and forest ecosystems, or if only it would stop seducing children, or if only it would quit buying politicians, or if only it would give women and favoured minorities an equitable share of the loot? Realism, I think, is a very limited programme, but it informs us at least that we should not look for bird eggs in a cuckoo clock."

Wendell Berry

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