Friday, April 14, 2017

Poem: Phos Hilaron at Camp McDowell, 2006

PHOS HILARON:O Gracious Light
Upon the high porch
Jutting ravine-ward out among tree-tops
The restless priest
Avoids again occasional conformity to
Sacerdotal norms,
Avoids the worn pages and familiar Book and
Beholds the approaching line of thunderstorms.

He fancies himself
A night bird of some sort,
Or bat,
Or flitting insect seeking refuge from the storm,
All crying out in praise, in wonder, or alarm.

Margins of memory
Lightning illuminates
Fragments of psalmody
Snatched from the dark.
Lightning their vesper-light
Thunder their antiphon
Magnifies murmuring
Storm-stirred leaf choir.

With the rain, all the elements are present:
Fire; earth; wind; and water;
Phos hilaron; psalmody; canticle; and chapter.
Rude light
Interrupting the polite
Mating rituals of the night.  

 O gracious lightning
Pure flashing brightness
O Jesus Christ
Word made light
Flesh made fire
Electric blood
Shed for many life forms
Shed by many life forms
Electrocuted life forms
Electrocuted norms
Spread and splashed in these jagged lines,
Spattered and slashed across strip-mined hills,
O Jesus Christ, scouring the limestone rock,
Mining the air, refining the elements, rendering them
Into one, solitary flare,
A single lamp,
Around which apocalyptic insects flit and cry like drunken angels:
“Be praised by happy voices!”

So let no unhappy voice be heard on all this holy mountain!
Let the doomed insects be happy!
Let the hungry bats return to their dens content!
Let the restless leaves be content.
Let the restless storm pass on
And be content,
With this evening phos hilaron.   

      Camp McDowell
      Nauvoo, Alabama

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