Monday, August 10, 2015

From an old Palm Sunday Sermon...

Has your world been changed by Jesus? Have you?

Would it change your world, or you, to have God enter into a profound solidarity with your greatest fear and most painful vulnerability?

What if God were somehow to become embedded in the flesh of your world, so that your life and the divine life somehow intersect and become one?

Would it change you or your world to be loved infinitely and completely, from the inside out, by one who knows you better than you know yourself?

Would it change you or your world to be loved like a child, like a friend, like a spouse, by the Creator of the Universe?

Would it change you or your world to be loved like a prodigal son or a beloved disciple, like the way Jesus loved Lazarus and Martha and Mary and his other friends?

Would it change your world to be loved, both from heaven and from the cross, to be loved from both the future and the past, and from both sides of the gate of death?

Jesus has changed me and my world, and is not finished yet.
Jesus has changed my world from a flat place to a deep one, from an utterly secular place full of problems to a sacred place haunted by mysteries.

Jesus changed my world to a place where power, domination, cruelty and wealth can never have the last word, but rather a world in which self-giving love is the beginning and end of every story worth telling. 

The Palm Sunday procession is not as aimless as it appears. It is a procession to the center of the universe, the heart of the cosmos.
As Jesus rides a donkey into the center of Jerusalem, he is bringing God into the center of our being.

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