Saturday, September 15, 2012

More Vocabulary

PILGRIMAGE/ACTION/WORD/GRACE= A sequence intended to provide a vocabulary for life shared with comrades both visible and invisible. VACATION/MOTION/NOISE/LUCK= A sequence that describes a forlorn struggle against an indifferent cosmos, an absurd collision of doomed possibilities.
List # 1
PILGRIMAGE= An outward journey mirrored by an interior one; a journey undertaken toward a sacred destination where, it transpires, you already are.
ACTION= Human behavior that is conscious, chosen, un-coerced, and done in the expectation of being held accountable.
WORD= A symbolic utterance meant to communicate meaning and establish connections.
GRACE= A “benign synchronicity;” a pattern of blessed coincidences that, however unpromising the circumstances, emerges among the apparent randomness of events.
List # 2
VACATION= a recreational escape from normal obligations and tasks.
MOTION= any response to a stimulus, i.e. a “twitch.”
NOISE= Vibrations affecting the eardrum.
LUCK= Random events that affect our lives, for good and for ill.

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