Saturday, June 9, 2007

The last sabbatical 6th Day

Journal Entries… March 25, 2000.“Caitlin said: some one should write a book about you, Dad, and all your weird experiences. It would be really good. But probably not until after you’re dead.”
June 9, 2007. Going Up North to fish.
Today I wrote to my friend David:
It occurs to me the potential, unseen, often-unresponsive cyber-audience of the internet makes a servicable metaphor for God. I aim my daily commentary at it, fishing for a response of some kind, imagining a response even when there appears to be none.
Fishing, which is what I am about to do now. Another potent metaphor. We cast out our bait, piercing the surface of observable reality, hoping for some sign of life from below.
Of "signs of life" there is no shortage. Are no shortage? Anyhow, they are abundant.

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