THE TRINITY: One of the young monks complained to Abba
Jonathan: “when I go to pray, it seems like nothing is there.”
“Exactly,” said
Abba Jonathan, “the one to whom you pray is No-Thing.”
“So what about the Trinity? ” another monk
asked him.
“That’s easy,” replied Abba Jonathan, “Aim your prayers at the
No-Thing, the Every-Thing, and the Wild-Thing.”
“I guess by ‘Every-Thing’ you
mean the 2nd Person of the Trinity,” the seeker responded.
“Yes,” said the older monk, “for ‘he has
ascended far above all heavens, that he might fill all things.’
The first
inquirer asked, “So the one-to-whom-prayer-is aimed is both No-Thing and
Every-Thing?” “You bet,” said Abba Jonathan, “and a Wild-Thing too.”